Our A&R department is always looking to find the next new great band for the label & they would love to listen to your demo, however there are a few guidelines for A&R submission.
We have to warn you, they receive hundreds of A&R submissions a week, failure to follow these simple guidelines will most likely result in your submission being thrown in the bin before it is even listened to…
- Always include an Audio CD
- Write your Contact Name, Band Name, Email Address & Phone Number CLEARLY on the CD itself, not just the packaging.
- Include a Band Bio & Covering letter
- Include a Band Photograph (they need to know if you all look like Shrek…)
- Include Full Contact Details (including; Contact Name, Band Name, Email Address, Phone Number & Postal Address) in every page & the CD itself.
- Submit the Package by post (they don’t accept A&R in ANY other way, not even for you…)
- Try and submit demos via email
- Ask us to check you out on the internet/your webpage/myspace etc
- Hassle the anyone in the A&R Department on the phone, if they like it, they will be in touch…
Address for A&R Submissions
A&R Department
Copro Productions
P.O. Box 4429
United Kingdom